
Current Status and Future of Fracking Litigation

May 02, 2013

In our recent webinar series, we analyzed and discussed the current status and future of fracking litigation.

The rapid development and expansion of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) have brought many new regions of the United States into the natural gas supply mix. Since 2009, numerous lawsuits have emerged, alleging various forms of personal and economic injuries resulting from fracking operations. To date, approximately 50 such lawsuits have been filed nationwide.

Topics discussed included:

  • The current status of fracking lawsuits alleging groundwater and air contamination
  • Daubert and other expert issues related to personal injury and property damage claims
  • The next critical stages in the development of fracking litigation
  • Important collateral issues, including electronic discovery

Steve A. Luxton
W. Brad Nes
Jennifer M. Williams