Conferences and Speeches

2013 Fund Directors Conference

Monday, October 21, 2013 - Wednesday, October 23, 2013
01:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Morgan Lewis partner Steve W. Stone will present on “Portfolio Trading: Board Oversight of Best Execution and Soft Dollar Arrangements.”

The rapidly changing environment for funds (from new regulatory requirements to an evolving marketplace) makes the 2013 Fund Directors Conference a prime opportunity to gain insights into the implications of these changes for funds and their boards. IDC's annual conference for fund directors will cover topics at the top of your list and offer you opportunities to meet other directors and discuss issues and governance practices with them.


  • A special session devoted to fund directors' core responsibilities: for newer directors as well as those interested in a refresher on directors' fundamental responsibilities (scheduled for the afternoon prior to the first full day)*
  • Fund leadership in a changing world
  • Update on SEC activities: enforcement, examinations, and regulatory initiatives
  • Fair valuation: what happens before, at, and after 4:00 p.m.?
  • Board composition: building and maintaining an effective board

October 21–23, 2013

Chicago, IL