Conferences and Speeches

Technology Patent Network 2022: AI Inventors Are Here, but Patent Laws Are Not Ready

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
11:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
10:00 AM Central Standard Time
08:00 AM Pacific Standard Time

Morgan Lewis intellectual property partners David V. Sanker, Ph.D. and Andrew J. Gray IV will be speaking at the Technology Patent Network 2022 on a panel titled “AI Inventors Are Here, but Patent Laws Are Not Ready.” This conference includes a mix of technology innovators, private practice lawyers, and service industry providers.

AI inventors exist now, and the number of inventions created by AI systems is constantly increasing. But the major patent offices in the world are applying patent laws that do not recognize AI inventors—without a human inventor, there are no patent rights.

Because the changes to patent law are unlikely to proceed quickly, companies that invest in innovation need to understand how to protect intellectual property when there are AI inventors. This presentation identifies some strategies for that specific purpose.