Conferences and Speeches

GDPR Day Online 2020

Monday, May 25, 2020

Every year, under our Data Privacy Office brand, we hold GDPR Day (Minsk, Moscow, Kiev). Each time, we ourselves determine the topics of reports that will be relevant, invite speakers, and also moderate panel discussions.

In 2020, the birthday event of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data will be held under the auspices of the community of professionals in the field of information privacy ( dpo club ). We also take great care of the health of all GDPR Day participants, so the conference will be in an online format.

Data Privacy Office GDPR consulting company
Meet the composition of the editorial committee - leading experts in the field of privacy in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. It is the members of the editorial board who are now working closely on the conference program, give recommendations to speakers on theses, and also prepare their reports.