Press Release

Morgan Lewis Secures Beacon Mutual Insurance Company Victory in State Supreme Court

Friday, February 6, 2015

BOSTON, February 6: Morgan Lewis today secured dismissal of a $100 million class action filed against the Beacon Mutual Insurance Company, the largest workers' compensation insurer in Rhode Island.

Led by partners Jordan Hershman and Jason Frank, with assistance from associates William Harb and Liza Hays, the Morgan Lewis team — which had recently been hired — skillfully identified a new argument that had not previously been raised in the eight-year-old breach of fiduciary duty class action.

After promptly moving for judgment on the pleadings based on the newly uncovered argument, Morgan Lewis obtained dismissal of the case. Following Mr. Hershman’s strong oral argument two months prior, the Rhode Supreme Court issued a unanimous opinion affirming the trial court's ruling for the workers’ compensation provider.

“We are gratified with the court's ruling, which affirms the dismissal of all claims in the case," said Mr. Hershman, lead counsel for Beacon Mutual and Leader of the firm's Securities Litigation practice.