
Fast Break: FCA Hardball

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03:00 下午 - 03:45 下午 Eastern Daylight Time

The US Supreme Court's recent decision in Cochise and new US Department of Justice (DOJ) enforcement policies have prompted many organizations to reassess the scope of the False Claims Act (FCA) and their organization's individual exposure risk. Relators are also increasingly pursuing FCA claims with or without DOJ involvement. Understanding DOJ's new enforcement policies is critical for achieving a successful result in any FCA investigation. Join Katie McDermott and Matt Hogan for our next Fast Break session where we will discuss these issues and more.


  • Cochise – Why expanded limitations in qui tam cases are problematic 
  • New DOJ Enforcement Policies – Do they level the playing field? 
  • Relator Pursuit of Non-Intervened Claims – Should relators be able to pursue non-intervened allegations when DOJ is settling the covered conduct? 
  • Covered Conduct and Global Releases – Do companies get what they think they paid for?