
Morgan Lewis Hedge Fund University™: CFTC’s Latest Position Limits Proposal

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12:00 下午 - 01:00 下午 Eastern Daylight Time
11:00 上午 - 12:00 下午 Central Daylight Time
09:00 上午 - 10:00 上午 Pacific Daylight Time

Please join us for a one-hour webinar where we will provide an overview of the CFTC’s proposed revisions to its regulations concerning federal speculative position limits to conform to the Dodd-Frank Act amendments to the Commodity Exchange Act. 


  • Core Referenced Futures Contracts and Economically Equivalent Swaps
  • New Definition of Bona Fide Hedging Transaction
  • The End-User Perspective
  • Potential Issues and Topics for Comment

CLE credit: CLE credit in CA, FL, IL, OH, OR, NJ (via reciprocity), NY, PA, TX and VA is currently pending approval.