
COVID-19 Healthcare Provider Updates: PREP Act and Other Considerations for Hospitals Experimenting with COVID Treatments

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12:00 下午 - 12:30 下午 Eastern Daylight Time
11:00 上午 - 11:30 上午 Central Daylight Time
09:00 上午 - 09:30 上午 Pacific Daylight Time

Our COVID-19 Healthcare Provider Update Webinar Series will address the evolving, unprecedented legal issues that arise from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We will host updates on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00 pm ET. Visit our Healthcare Provider Update page for additional information and a full list of upcoming sessions.

Hospitals facing the daunting task of trying to save lives from one of the deadliest viruses they have ever experienced may wish to consider use of experimental treatments. Our speakers will briefly address the different ways that research on novel treatments can be undertaken in the hospital setting, along with the regulatory considerations of those different approaches.  Also to be addressed will be the ways in which health systems might work with manufacturers to get access to experimental treatments on a compassionate use basis. We will also discuss the PREP Act, which provides tort liability protections for the use of covered countermeasures, including novel therapeutic treatments, in the case of responding to a public health emergency, where all of the eligibility requirements have been met.