
Fast Break: GDPR

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21 февраля 2019 г.
03:00 - 03:45 Eastern Standard Time
12:00 - 12:45 Pacific Standard Time

GDPR. What is it? Does it apply to you? Last year the European Union passed comprehensive data protection laws that directly or indirectly affect US healthcare providers, life sciences companies, manufacturers, and other stakeholders. The reach and effect of GDPR is not well understood in the United States but these laws nevertheless impact how your business functions. In our next Fast Break webinar, we’ll discuss the importance of GDPR, its applicability to United States entities, recent penalty cases in Europe, and best ways to achieve compliance with its mandates.

  • Why and when does GDPR, an EU law, apply to United States businesses? 
  • Distinction between data processor/data controller under the GDPR 
  • Some practices for complying with GDPR and current issues that regulators care about 
  • Exposure of shareholders of GDPR operations to GDPR penalties and civil lawsuits 
  • Examples of recent penalties and strategies to mitigate GDPR risks