Congress has enacted and President Joseph Biden has signed a joint resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC’s) “true lender” rule, which, as we previously discussed, had provided that a national bank is as a matter of law the lender on any loan for which it is the named lender or for which it provides the loan funding.
True Lender Rule Invalidated
David I. Monteiro
Reed D. Auerbach
Steve Levitan
Nicholas M. Gess
, and
Martin Hirschprung
01 июля 2021 г.
Asset-Backed Securities, Banking, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, FinTech, First 100 Days, Global Regulation and Supervision, Innovation, Lending, Madden, Marketplace Lending, OCC, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Regulation, Regulatory, Securitization, Structured Finance, True Lender