Health Law Scan

Legal Insights and Perspectives for the Healthcare Industry

In a superheated month of steamy weather and ovenlike temperatures, Health Law Scan turned up the cool with a bracing array of au courant blog posts in August. Beginning with an overview of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service’s (CMS’s) proposed price transparency program, we analyzed more than a dozen key proposals in the outpatient prospective payment and ambulatory surgical center payment systems 2020 rule and previewed a Fast Break webinar on updates to the physician fee schedule rule. As August dragged to a sweltering conclusion, we lowered the thermostat with cool posts on the National Labor Relation Board’s very busy year in labor law, what healthcare employers need to know about the “public charge” rule, proposed patent eligibility reforms impacting medical device innovation, and a Fast Break webinar on False Claims Act “hardball.” A favorite among readers, this month’s Tele-Tuesday series featured the Federal Communications Commission’s focus on telehealth development in its Rural Health Care Program. So if you’ve been a little warm under the collar, trickling sweat, glistening ineloquently, or just plain baking in the sun, we’ve got the perfect antidote to a thermally challenged day right here.

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