Conferences and Speeches

DC Plan Sponsor Roundtable Managing DC Plans - Dallas

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
8:00 am CT | Breakfast
8:30 am CT | Roundtable

Join us for a complimentary breakfast roundtable to discuss managing DC plans.

This event, which is only open to plan sponsors, will provide a forum to share ideas and experiences. We will also present some of our insights, recommendations for best practices, and industry trends.

Topics will include:

  • Best practices in monitoring and evaluating plan investments and fees
  • Impact of the DOL’s fiduciary regulations on plan management and administration
  • Getting the most out of the investment policy statement
  • Use of index funds, collective trusts, and separate accounts
  • The future role of revenue sharing and proprietary funds in DC plans

For more information, please contact Kathleen Cunnie at +1.415.274.3029, or Rosarin Watanasanticharoen at +1.202.739.5032.