Conferences and Speeches

2nd Annual IP Strategy Summit Houston: The IP Landscape Has Changed: But Has Your Strategy?

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The IP environment has been turned upside-down over the last 24 months:

  • ALICE vs. CLS cast uncertainty on the very nature of what's patentable
  • Octane & Highmark decisions loosened up fee shifting standards
  • Post Issuance Proceedings can create risky outcomes

Partner Erik Hawes will speak on the panel "Building a Defensive Litigation Strategy: Leveraging the Favorable Landscape."

Topics will include:

  • Preparing your defense and aligning with organizational resources
  • Scenario planning: What to do when approached?
  • Anticipating enforcement strategies
  • Considering the consequences: Going beyond just the financials

How does all oft his impact your portfolio strategy? Come join thought leaders for a day of learning, benchmarking, and networking on the issues facing in-house counsel.

CLE credit: Please see website for CLE information.