Wednesday, February 21, 2024 |
08:30 AM - 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time |
Christine Schleppegrell will participate in the National Association of Public Pension Attorneys’ Winter Seminar in Washington, DC where she will speak on the panel Private Fund Rules and Regulatory Update. The new private fund rules include six new rules designed, according to the US Securities and Exchange Commission, to enhance transparency, competition, and efficiency in the private funds markets. The rules prescribe actions that private fund managers must adhere to when engaging with limited partners and operating their funds. Portions of the rules apply to registered, unregistered, US, and non-US managers.
The panelists will seek to summarize the rules at a high level, including the status of pending litigation regarding the rules, as well as focus on the unknowns arising from the rules and the potential implications for public pensions in their private fund engagements and negotiations, including consequences for transparency, side letters, co-investments, continuation funds, fiduciary duties, and LPACs.