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How I Made Partner: 'Develop a Specialty. Having Proficiency in an Area of Law Is Incredibly Empowering,' Says Alana Genderson of Morgan Lewis,

October 28, 2022

Partner Alana Genderson took part in a Q&A with about her path to becoming a partner at the firm. Alana shared some of the support the firm has given her as a mom of three of young children—from Chief Human Resources Officer Karen Queen-LeBoo feeding Alana’s infant daughter so she could make a speech to partner Jason Mills advocating to have cases scheduled around Alana’s parental leave so she could still support clients.

She also encouraged associates to develop a specialty, noting that “[i]t allows you to command a room, even if filled by more-seasoned practitioners.”

“When you become one of the few who can do a certain kind of work, you can better serve your firm and your clients, which in turn helps your career,” Alana said.

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