ML Community Engagement


Leading from a socially responsible and community driven approach, ML Community Engagement is a central tenet of our firm’s culture, bringing our people together to positively impact the communities where we live and work through volunteerism, charitable giving, and sustainability.

ML Community Engagement harnesses the collective power of our core values of collaboration, commitment, and community to create meaningful social impact.


We have long recognized the power in relationships. Bringing together our community partners, our clients, and our people through a collective purpose of doing good for others strengthens our connections and our communities.


As we continue to grow as a global law firm, our commitment to our expanding community also grows. We are committed to being innovative change agents, always looking to deliver exceptional service to our communities.


ML Community Engagement is by nature defined by the things that matter to our people in their communities. Weighty in our impact while light on our feet, we respond to the most pressing and most personal needs of our communities.

Primary Contact

Annamaria Santamaria

Annamaria Santamaria

Senior Manager, Community Engagement

Corporate and individual financial contributions are key to how we support our communities. Giving is an investment that helps communities thrive and advances our philanthropic commitment.


A commitment to diversity and inclusion (D&I) is one of our core values, influencing how we serve clients, collaborate with colleagues, recruit prospective lawyers and professional staff, and engage with our communities.

Established in 2014, the ML Foundation uses funds that were awarded to Morgan Lewis in a historic settlement on behalf of African American families working to combat nearly a century of racial segregation in the Baltimore area. Unlike other scholarships, grants given by the ML Foundation are not tied to employment at Morgan Lewis—ML Foundation is intended to promote diversity in the legal profession, thereby strengthening the profession and enhancing its contributions to our communities.

The 2024 class of grant recipients come from schools across the United States. With this latest class of legal scholars, the ML Foundation, an independent 501(c)(3) organization, has awarded more than $3.3 million in scholarships to promising law students.

Select from below to learn more about our ML Foundation Recipients.

Shivani Chelliah

Shivani Chelliah

University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
Paulina Cheves

Paulina Cheves

Howard University School of Law
Simran Deokule

Simran Deokule

UC Berkeley School of Law
Nathalie Domond

Nathalie Domond

Howard University School of Law
Ebony Elizabeth-Upshaw

Ebony Elizabeth Upshaw

The George Washington University Law School
Breanna Green

Breanna Green

University of Virginia School of Law
Anna Guzman

Anna Guzman

Boston College Law School
Camille Herring

Camille Herring

Duke University School of Law
Grace Koh

Grace Koh

Duke University School of Law
Jose Martinez

Jose Martinez

University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School
Virginia Miller

Virginia Miller

University of Michigan Law School
Susan Naseri

Susan Naseri

UC Berkeley School of Law
Cindy Nguyen

Cindy Nguyen

UC Berkeley School of Law
Vincent Pinti

Vincent Pinti

University of Michigan Law School
Toella Pliakas

Toella Pliakas

New York University School of Law


Our corporate giving includes annual institutional support for a broad range of local and national nonprofits and legal services organizations.

ML Gives: Organizations


In our fast-changing world where anything can happen at any time, we recognize that everyone has a role in responding to disasters. We are prepared to help meet needs quickly through our Disaster Relief Fund. When a natural disaster strikes, our people use this platform to donate directly to relief aid organizations and local charities as well as members of our Morgan Lewis family who may need assistance.



Our people are givers as proven by our successful fundraising campaigns and donation drives. These localized efforts of goodwill have a profound and demonstrable impact on the bottom line for our nonprofit partners.

Yankee Samuels


Prior to the pandemic, Yaneeke Samuels supported and sat on the board of two charities, New Alternatives and Life Preservers Project, which assist LGBTQ+ and HIV+ youth. Working with these organizations, Yaneeke has been delivering meals and toiletries to those same groups of people throughout New York City to ensure that they have food and supplies to survive.

Caring for the Hills Food Bank


For Morgan Lewis, serving the communities in which we live and work has always been part of who we are. While those efforts vary depending on local needs, the commitment is the same firmwide. As just a few examples: our New York, Washington, and Houston offices have raised more than $40,000 for local food-related charities in their cities. Our Philadelphia, Princeton, Chicago, Hartford, London, and New York offices have donated food and supplies to their local hospitals and front-line workers. And our Orange County office compiled their much coveted toilet paper supply to donate necessities and food to a local food bank.



Helping to address a critical COVID-19 need, a team led by Dennis Gucciardo and Steve Navarro guided CPAP and ventilation technology maker Airon Corp. in a collaboration with GE Healthcare to license the design to its ventilators. Ford Motor Co. is producing tens of thousands of ventilators out of its Michigan plant through this life-saving collaboration.

Chainlink fence at sunset


Carrie Gonell, Joe Duffy, Nancy Nguyen, and Sarah Allen secured the release of four asylum-seeking women held in a detention center who were at risk of contracting COVID-19 in the crowded center. The team’s dedication led to all four women being released within weeks of our first petition. One of the women had spent nearly three years in immigration detention before her release, and now she, and the other women, can pursue their asylum cases without fear of becoming ill in detention.

Vegetable Garden


In Northern Cyprus, Izzet Sinan helped fund a makeshift vegetable farm with entirely recovered or reclaimed materials to feed the poor in this corner of the world. Izzet is supporting a cousin, who owns the land and is managing the farm, including building the infrastructure with his own hands and growing the crops with help from friends and family, to feed people affected by the pandemic.

Procure Hope - masks


Lesli Ligorner helped form ProCure Hope with a small team of professionals spanning the US and Asia who are volunteering their time to identify, source, transport and distribute badly needed PPE to front-line workers. With representatives on the ground in both China and the US who speak both English and Mandarin, the group can evaluate supply chains to shorten the time to get masks into the hands of those most in need.

We serve our communities by engaging in event-based, skill-based, and service-based activities. Our focus is broad and our relationships run deep, making a significant difference to our nonprofit partners and maximizing our global social footprint.

Community Impact

The Morgan Lewis team donates to more than 200 organizations around the globe in multiple areas of care. Our people passionately pursue volunteer opportunities to create meaningful, rewarding experiences that strengthen our connectivity.


ML Votes!

ML Votes! is our commitment to encourage members of our Morgan Lewis family to vote by giving them the resources and time they need to exercise their voting rights and participate in our democracy. Morgan Lewis has partnered with Committee of Seventy’s WeVote campaign to promote a culture of voting in businesses, organizations, and communities. ML Votes recognizes that it is our responsibility to be civically engaged and is committed to making every voice count by upholding this basic principle of democracy.

Vote x3

Environmental sustainability is a key component of our pledge to deliver exceptional client service to our communities. Sustainability informs the way that we operate—caring for our environment by making thoughtful choices to reduce our impact and contributing to a better future for all.

Preserved in 2023

Sustainability Global Working Group

Our lawyers and professional staff lead our firmwide sustainability initiatives and serve as ambassadors for the cause. Our Sustainability Working Group meets regularly to assess local internal sustainability practices, exchange knowledge, innovate ways to engage in environmentally friendly practices, institute accountability, and propel our campaigns forward.


Morgan Lewis holds a Platinum Badge from the All Legal Industry Sustainability Standard for our sustainability efforts through Vorgate, which aims to advance the integration of sustainability practices within the legal industry. The ALISS assessment tool is designed to serve as a roadmap and mark of recognition for law firms, enabling them to evaluate and enhance their sustainability programs. Our Platinum Badge highlights our firm’s dedication to environmental sustainability in our operations.

Platinum Badge from the All Legal Industry Sustainability Standard

Lawyers for a Sustainable Economy Initiative

We are a sponsor of Stanford Law School’s Lawyers for a Sustainable Economy (LSE) Initiative. The LSE Initiative is a law firm-led effort providing pro bono legal services to sustainability-focused entrepreneurs and nonprofits. We are committed to providing pro bono legal services on on-going and new environmentally related matters over a two-year period.

Legal Sustainability Alliance

We are a dedicated member of the Legal Sustainability Alliance, a collaborative sustainability network run by law firms for law firms.

Legal Sustainability Alliance logo