Health Law Scan

Legal Insights and Perspectives for the Healthcare Industry

In a month better known for inclement weather, practical jokes, and decorated eggs, Health Law Scan opted to celebrate “Drop Everything and Read Day” on April 12. As March turned to April, we evaluated the fault lines, tradeoffs, and potential for disruption in Medicare for All, a topic that received its first hearing in Congress this week. Moving on with April, the US Senate renewed its pressure on physician-owned distributorship arrangements, the OMB expanded regulatory actions subject to prepublication review, the HHS Inspector General resigned after 15 years at the helm, and Maryland became the first state to pass legislation creating a Prescription Drug Affordability Board.

So if you missed any of our blog posts, including our new “Tele-Health Tuesdays” feature by Jake Harper and tips by Reece Hirsh on how to prevent and respond to healthcare data breaches, it’s never a problem because we have it all right here for you!