
Morgan Lewis Celebrates Pride


Each June, Pride Month is an opportunity for the LGBTQ+ community and allies to look back on the progress that has been made, commit to an inclusive future, and celebrate the wonderful diversity within the community.

Morgan Lewis is committed to the dignity of and equal rights for LGBTQ+ people. We celebrate the diversity and contributions of the LBGTQ+ community not only this Pride Month, but throughout the entire year. Morgan Lewis’s LGBTQ+ Lawyer Network joins in celebrating Pride. Below, the network leaders offer personal reflections on what this time means to them.

Neil McKnight

Neil McKnight

Co-Leader, London

Pride is remembering and honoring the sacrifices made by those whose struggle and determination got us to where we are today, as we stand together united in purpose and in celebration of our community. Pride is looking to a future where everyone can be their authentic self.” 

Michael D. Schlemmer

Michael Schlemmer

Co-Leader, Silicon Valley

Pride is an opportunity to catch our breath and celebrate how far we have come. But Pride also serves as a reminder of how far we still need to go—not just for the LGBTQ+ community, but all disenfranchised, marginalized, and oppressed people. Pride is a moment to reach across the aisle and reaffirm a broader scope of solidarity. Everyone is invited, everyone is welcome.

Stephanie Schuster

Stephanie Schuster

Co-Leader, Washington

“Pride is living out loud, never having to hide or fear who you are.”

Brian J. Clement

Brian Clement

Associate Representative, New York

Pride is an opportunity to celebrate all of the progress that the LGBTQ+ community has achieved as well as a platform to continue that progress into the future.