Conferences and Speeches

Infocast’s Energy Storage Finance and Investment

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - Thursday, May 30, 2024

We are proud to sponsor Infocast’s Energy Storage Finance & Investment Conference.

Partner Jane Kang will moderate the panel discussion Lender Perspectives on the Financing Outlook for Storage. In this session, lenders will provide insights into current financing trends and outcomes, the capital environment, and predictions for 2024 and beyond.

Partner Neeraj Arora will moderate the panel discussion Offtake Perspectives on Storage Procurement. This panel will examine new offtake agreement trends, risk implications of new deal structures, where the power purchase agreement market may be headed, and how offtakers are adjusting to the new normal.

Partner Bill Kissinger will moderate the panel discussion Financing & Investing in Long Duration & Non- Li Ion Energy Storage. This panel will explore the finance and deployment potential for LD and non-Li Ion storage, and how they are impacting the markets.