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Mentorship and D&I: Insights From IBM, Deloitte and Others, World IP Review

January 27, 2022

Partner Brent Hawkins discussed the value of mentorship and sponsorship in a World IP Review feature published in celebration of National Mentoring Month. In the piece, Brent shared that it’s equally important to have mentors with shared experiences and backgrounds as with those with whom those commonalities don’t exist. He said of the latter: “Although these types of mentoring relationships can be challenging at their inception, once established these seemingly non-complementary relationships can often be the key to the growth necessary to foster greater diversity—and certainly inclusion.”

Brent emphasized that a "fear of the unknown, if overcome, can produce the greatest change. Bearing that in mind, a relationship that forces serendipity through a pairing of mentors and mentees from disparate backgrounds can be a tremendous tool in promoting diversity and inclusion.”

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