Press Release

Morgan Lewis Honored with Faces of Philanthropy Award for Partnership with The Enterprise Center

April 08, 2022

PHILADELPHIA, April 8, 2022: The collaboration between Morgan Lewis and The Enterprise Center to help small businesses during the pandemic was recognized April 7 by the Philadelphia Business Journal with a 2022 Faces of Philanthropy Award. The program highlights socially impactful work between for-profit and nonprofit organizations.

The recognition singled out the firm’s partnership in 2021 with The Enterprise Center to offer educational webinars to help local businesses, many of which are minority-owned, obtain Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds. The firm worked with The Enterprise Center, a national economic development intermediary dedicated to the advancement of minority small businesses, to offer guidance on securing PPP funds. A team led by Morgan Lewis partner Andrew Budreika and associate Benjamin Stango facilitated a series of webinars that ultimately reached more than 1,000 people.

The effort was credited with helping to allocate roughly $19.5 million in PPP loans to Philadelphia-area businesses.

The Philadelphia Business Journal’s annual Faces of Philanthropy program calls attention to philanthropic partnerships throughout the region and the positive impact they have throughout Greater Philadelphia.