Health Law Scan

Legal Insights and Perspectives for the Healthcare Industry

Members of our labor, employment & benefits and healthcare teams recently published a LawFlash discussing the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA’s) updated COVID-19 guidance for employers. The long-awaited COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) is effective as of June 10, 2021, but only applies to employers in healthcare and healthcare support services settings. Employers covered by the ETS have 14 days (from the date that the ETS is published in the Federal Register) to comply with most provisions, and 30 days (also from the date of publication in the Federal Register) to comply with the provisions related to physical barriers, ventilation, and training.

This LawFlash analyzes ETS applicability, exceptions, requirements and key takeaways, and is an excellent resource for Health Law Scan readers.

Read the LawFlash >>


We have developed many customizable resources to support employers’ efforts in safely returning to work. These include tracking of state and local orders on return to work requirements and essential/nonessential work; policy templates and guidelines for key topics such as social distancing procedures, temperature testing, and workplace arrangements for high-risk employees; and webinar training on safety measures for return to work. View the full list of return to work resources and consult our workplace reopening checklist.

Don’t forget to check out our Navigating the NEXT. and Coronavirus COVID-19 resource centers to stay up to date on developments as they unfold. Subscribe now if you would like to receive a digest of new updates to these resources.