Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

On May 6, 2022, the UK government outlined its plans to boost competition and drive economic growth and innovation in a major regulatory reform aimed at big tech. The news comes in the wake of fears that a handful of tech giants disproportionately dominate the market, subjecting smaller businesses to predatory prices and ultimately harming consumers through higher prices as well as limited options and control over their online experiences.
Over the last year, companies implemented new digital technology solutions at record levels, looking to implement emerging technologies, improve the user digital experience, leverage cloud solutions to store the massive amounts of data being generated, and test the waters on how to transact using digital assets. And we don’t see things slowing down.
According to recent guidance from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), providers of health apps and connected devices that collect consumers’ health information must comply with the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule, 16 CFR Part 318, and therefore are required to notify consumers and others when their health data is breached.
It has become increasingly clear that improving cybersecurity will be a main focus, and important goal, of the Biden-Harris administration.
The United Kingdom’s Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) on March 10 announced in its 2021–2022 workplan that the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) will join as a full member from April 1, 2021.
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on January 13 that it had completed its review of a proposed joint patent licensing pool known as the University Technology Licensing Program (UTLP) of 15 participating universities. The DOJ concluded that the UTLP was unlikely to harm competition and would benefit licensees and the public to the extent that the UTLP would make it easier to commercialize inventions that may be currently unlicensed or underutilized.
The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020 was signed into law on December 4, resulting in the first federal regulation of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Companies developing digital therapeutics, clinical decision support apps, and other digital health technologies for use in the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic should be mindful of FDA’s quickly evolving policies and guidance affecting such technologies. In our recent LawFlash, FDA Regulation of COVID-19 Apps, Digital Therapeutics, and other Digital Health Technologies, we examine recent FDA developments and their implications for companies in the digital health space.
The Business Software Alliance (BSA) recently endorsed principles for building trust in the Internet of Things (IoT), highlighting the need for a risk-based approach that (1) accounts for the various components, capabilities, users, environments, life cycles, and complexities of the IoT ecosystem, and (2) engages the corresponding stakeholders. Given the near boundless opportunities—and risks—deriving from its connectivity, a connected device should not be designed and managed in isolation.