Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

Artificial intelligence (AI) presents big opportunities and potential risks for countries around the globe, and India is no exception. India has a vast, burgeoning high-tech labor force. The country also attracts millions of dollars in foreign direct investments, putting it on pace to become a major player in the global technology supply chain. With this growth, AI technologies are, and will, make their way into numerous Indian industries, such as healthcare, technology, the workforce, and education, forcing the Indian government to take steps toward regulating AI.
As a follow-up to our previous post on contracting pointers for services incorporating the use of artificial intelligence (AI), we discuss below some of the key questions to ask vendors that may be using AI in the provision of their services.
Join Pittsburgh partner Peter Watt-Morse and Philadelphia partner Barbara Melby and associate Katherine O’Keefe at 12:00 pm ET on Wednesday, January 24, 2024 as they highlight considerations for companies in the financial services and insurance industries that contract for technology and outsourcing services.
Contract Corner
An indemnification provision serves as a contractual remedy to redress a party’s (or third party’s) financial loss suffered as a result of a claim, breach, or some other event or condition set forth in the provision. Indemnification serves as a risk allocation mechanism derived originally from insurance law. Each term—“indemnify,” “defend,” and “hold harmless”—has a distinct and important role in an indemnity clause, so it is important to understand the nuances and differences among the three terms.
In addition to US President Joseph Biden’s recent executive order on artificial intelligence (AI), Vice President Kamala Harris recently announced a series of new US initiatives that will build on the executive order. Following the vice president’s announcement at the Global Summit on AI Safety in the United Kingdom, the administration issued a Fact Sheet outlining the initiatives.
President Joseph Biden issued an executive order (Order) on October 30 addressing the challenges and opportunities posed by artificial intelligence (AI). The Order’s scope is extensive and includes new standards for AI safety, security, and innovation in a number of industries, including, but not limited to, technology, immigration, privacy, intellectual property, healthcare, and the workplace. The overarching goal of the Order is to promote responsible innovation, competition, and collaboration in AI via government oversight and regulation.