Tech & Sourcing @ Morgan Lewis

European regulators recently published clarifications on the scope of ICT services under the EU Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), prepared by the European Commission, which confirms previous guidance and enables financial entities to take out of scope certain services which form part of regulated financial services.
On January 13, 2025, the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer announced the UK AI Opportunities Action Plan. The AI Opportunities Action Plan outlines the UK’s intentions to become a world leader in artificial intelligence technology for the benefit of private businesses and their customers as well as for all UK residents via AI-enabled public services.
Starting as of Friday, January 17, 2025, financial entities must now be compliant with the EU’s Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA). Implementation efforts have accelerated in recent months to meet the deadline and in many cases are still ongoing. The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) published a joint statement last month emphasizing the importance of financial entities adopting a robust, structured approach in order to meet their obligations in a timely manner.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA’s) Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL) marks a significant milestone in protecting personal data in the region. Overseen by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA), the PDPL applies to all entities processing personal data of individuals residing in the KSA regardless of the physical location of the data processing activities, whether within the KSA or not.
We invite you to join us for Data 2025, our upcoming Tech & Sourcing webinar series. In this series of webinars, our lawyers will consider the key global challenges facing businesses in their use of data.
By way of update to our recent reporting on the California legislative efforts to regulate artificial intelligence (AI), on September 29, 2024 California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed SB 1047, a bill imposing new AI safety regulations, while approving AB 2013, a law mandating transparency in generative AI.
How are intellectual property (IP) and data rights allocated when a particular dataset is a key to unlocking a powerful new artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) model or use case? To find a balance, contracting parties may end up trading a black box for Pandora’s box.
Employers in the Asian region face novel challenges in connection with the heightened competition for talent in the technology sector. Offering remote or flexible work arrangements can serve as a competitive advantage. However, it is essential for companies to consider implications related to immigration, tax, data privacy, security, and employment law.
The leaders of Morgan Lewis’s aerospace and defense industry team will be hosting Space and Satellite Night in our Houston office on September 26, featuring a discussion on space commercialization developments followed by a reception. Join counsel and executives from leading aerospace and defense companies, together with Morgan Lewis lawyers representing active industry participants in a range of issues, to explore trends, opportunities, and legal, regulatory, and commercial challenges impacting the industry.