radar Health Law Scan

Legal Insights and Perspectives for the Healthcare Industry
Members of our labor, employment and benefits team published a LawFlash covering Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s recently issued Executive Order No. GA-40 (EO GA-40), which purports to prohibit vaccine mandates, but in reality expands the scope of mandatory exemptions to such mandates.
In our latest Fast Break session and on the heels of recent announcements from the Biden-Harris administration and the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA’s) granting of full authorization for the Pfizer vaccine in August, we discussed how these updates may impact employers in the healthcare industry.
We hosted a very informative Fast Break session last month on CMS telehealth and RPM updates. If you weren't able to join us, the session was led by healthcare litigation associates Jake Harper and Tesch West, with special guest Ben Steinhafel, director of policy and external affairs at the Center for Telehealth and eHealth Law.
Members of our labor and employment and healthcare teams recently published a LawFlash covering the US Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) definitive guidance which specifically concluded that “federal law does not prohibit public or private entities from imposing vaccination requirements for vaccines that are subject to emergency use authorizations from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.”
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently released a table copy of its calendar year 2022 Medicare physician fee schedule proposed rule. The proposed rule is chock full of policy updates concerning telehealth, remote physiologic monitoring (RPM), and new remote therapeutic monitoring codes. Coming on the heels of the significant telehealth waivers put in place during the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE), CMS proposes to continue the steady expansion of virtual care options with this rule.
It’s now been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared a public health emergency, ushering in monumental changes for telehealth regulation. If you’ve been following Health Law Scan, we hope our updates have provided some clarity to the everchanging regulatory healthcare framework and the legal issues that can vary across payers, across states, and even across countries.
Members of our healthcare team recently published a LawFlash highlighting the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA). ARPA provides $1.9 trillion in relief funding to address the COVID-19 pandemic, support the US economy, and provide relief for impacted Americans, and includes provisions specifically affecting healthcare providers remaining on the frontlines.
Members of our financial services and banking teams recently published a LawFlash discussing the Biden administration’s recent changes to the Paycheck Protection Program aimed at providing greater access to funds for small businesses in need and in underserved communities. The LawFlash highlights key provisions and guidance for businesses seeking to participate in the program before it officially expires on March 31, 2021 (pending any additional legislation from Congress).
Members of our labor and employment team published a LawFlash discussing the Biden administration’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) updated COVID-19 guidance. The LawFlash dives into the significant new guidance, including testing, quarantining, and mask-wearing. This may be of particular interest to Health Law Scan readers who are considering return to work issues.
Our labor and employment team recently published a LawFlash covering the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s new employer guidance on workplace safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. This new guidance, released on January 29, recommends that employers implement a COVID-19 prevention program, explores key measures for limiting the spread of COVID-19, and highlights other new and noteworthy recommendations.